
Vision, your “view of the world” or a dream,  is what guides most people whether they realize it or not.

Vision is a Key to creation of successful projects or outcomes or Your Life.

Imagine … and begin to Create Your World Now with your Vision statement, Photo or Art in the “Big Pictures” we are sharing of a valuable, diverse & resilient land & people.

You can Create the rich Australia and Life You want by becoming connected with Australian Visions.


Our Vision for Australia  “A vitally alive and integrated Australia, excited and celebrating our creativity with power and peaceful competence, and adding true value locally and globally for people and planet”

Our Mission…

* Connecting People & Nature

 * Creating “Big Picture” Books, Art, Posters & Exhibitions

* Enriching Our Nature & Nation

Imagine Your Australia Put Yourself or Team in the “Big Picture”  !!!  

“Where there is no Vision the people will perish” …. Old testament


Australian Visions

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This site soon to be categorized, ndexed and searchable by

Business /  Community / Government  / Youth / Individuals

See Visions for Tasmania…. from TasTogether Communities .. below …

Australian Visions examples

The Ngarinyin, Wandjina people of the Kimberley, have a particular vision for themselves and Australia. Reflecting their philosophy, they see their future as a co-cultural one; a relationship between white Australia culture and Ngarinyin culture where the two Laws walk side by side in a relationship of cooperation, sharing and mutual benefit. A synergy of interactivity between the two cultures.

Ngarinyin, Wandjina people of the Kimberley

I have a vision for a healthier ancient land than a worn out and parched land that we currently see. For real healing to come to this land through the care that the original owners took of the land. To deal with the shedding of the innocent blood that saw white Europeans take this land by force by supremacy of their fire power and philosophies. This mished-mashed philosophy has led to a denial of the real history of this land.

Judi di Monticone Author of Healing the Land

A united Australia which respects this land of ours; values the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander heritage; and provides justice and equality for all.

Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation

Australia will become a model for other global communities … I see Australians coming together from all walks of life, especially indigenous and non-indigenous Australia, for a better tomorrow

“We need to lock into one-another’s point of view” (one-another’s vision) 

Mr Mandawuy Yunupingu, lead singer, Yothu Yindi & chair of Yothu Yindi Foundation

 A place where innovation is an artform, ecological sustainability a way of life, where we set visions recognising you can only hit a target you can see and adventure and endeavour are the fabric of living. A place where we nurture global icons and tall poppies are only flowers. 

Vic Cherikoff

A fun and sacred place, where people and all beings recognize and respect integrity – and our nature – and freely express their unique identity and creativity with passion, power and love, while honouring the sovereignty of others.

Richard T. O’Neill 

“Where there is no Vision the people will perish” …. 

Old testament & Joan Holmes, Chair of The Hunger Project


Visions for Tasmania…. from TasTogether …

the Tasmanian community Visioning process for 2020 Visions

This powerful process is evolving now … A draft overall Vision for Tasmania is

“Together we will make Tasmania an icon for the rest of the world by creating a proud and confident society where our people live in harmony and prosperity”

This has evolved from 10 Categories or “building blocks” ie

Education and Training for Life

Our Vision – We will be a society with a focus on whole of life, whole of community learning.

Goals for the Year 2020

an education system that is world class with a responsive, accessible and inclusive approach to learning
an informed and resourced education system designed for those who want to learn
a holistic approach to life long education
smooth transition and clear pathways between education and employment

Social Justice and Equity

Our Vision – To have an inclusive and compassionate society.

Innovation and Excellence – the Imaginative Island

Our Vision – We have a world-class reputation for innovation, imagination and intelligence.

Ecologically Sustainable Tasmania

Vision – We will have an ecologically sustainable future.

Goals for the Year 2020

an awareness and understanding throughout the community that all life depends on ecologically sustainable practices
resolution of the “environment versus development” debate
a society that incorporates intrinsic and future ecological values
Tasmania as a global model of a no waste, renewable energy society

Health and Wellbeing

Vision – We will have a high quality of life and healthy lifestyle.

Goals for the Year 2020

a preventative approach to health that focuses on well-being rather than illness
a Gross Well-being Index as a measure of social, economic, and environmental well-being across the community
all Tasmanians have access to affordable health and well-being services
effective partnerships between the public and private sectors for the delivery of health services

A Creative Tasmania

Vision – We will have an international reputation for excellence in the arts and culture.

Goals for the Year 2020

* a diverse range of artistic and cultural endeavours will be part of mainstream Tasmanian life and integral to our social and economic development

* greater recognition and understanding of Aboriginal culture and heritage

* Tasmania will have a national reputation for excellence in its sporting achievements and recreational facilities

* Tasmanians will value and protect our cultural heritage, including our built heritage

Inclusive and Open Government

Vision – We will have a form of government that is inclusive, open, and close to the people.

Goals for the Year 2020

a form of government that is cooperative rather than adversarial
long term strong political leadership
youth, women and minority groups included and empowered through the decision making process
Tasmania Together’s vision and goals will be achieved

Revitalising our Rural and Regional Communities

Vision – We will invigorate our rural and regional communities.

Goals for the Year 2020

* equity throughout rural and regional areas in relation to distribution of resources and services

* reversal of the population decline by increasing job opportunities for young people

* celebration of rural and regional diversity

* sustainable and appropriate land use

Creating Jobs and Wealth

 Our Vision

All Tasmanians who want a job will have one.

Goals for the Year 2020

the creation of new and niche markets based on Tasmania’s economic strengths
a national and international reputation based on ‘brand Tasmania’
a close link between business investment, education and training, and job creation
all Tasmanians benefiting from economic development
an increased population level

Pride and Confidence

Vision – We will have a proud and confident community

Goals for the Year 2020

A confident community that emphasizes the value of Tasmania to the world
a heightened sense of community through more involvement in decision making on the future of the State
a clear and positive commitment to change and innovation
a community with a high level of self-esteem, goal setting, and self determination

Links  Australian 2020 Summit  Tas Together

Wisdom from the Elders

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